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.Thursday, October 25, 2007 ♥
up above in my head

This is chun hui!!! =DDD i finally realised how weird i am as an idiot. =((( i really need grammar lessons cos i can't talk like clarice!!! <----this is obviously CLARICEAU! cuz she didn't use verdana and and she dont have my special smiley +D!! haha take that clarice TAKE THAT muahahahaha wowz. my tian i realised I haven't blogged in erh. one two three four FIVE months ahaahah ohz ignore the date its 21st DECEMBER liao ahahaha I realised I used that line a lot in my posts haha. aw I gone for so long people must have missed me la horh +D but I am BACK +D and bigger and better and juicier! erh sounds wrong sounds like like like MCDONALDS commercial ahahha wow a lot of stuff happened in FIVE months but since I can't remember anything jiu suan le ba +D shall blog about now now now +D I am sitting in front of the comp. I am bored. BUT I am NOT stoning! cuz I am typing +D yay I got sudden inspiration for something to blog about! It's today's 852 trip hahaha. took 852 home with cheryltong and jingyi after band today then got seats right at the back which is chao hot hahaha then we talked talked talked till they got off and I was lonelayyyy D+ and then so I fell asleep cuz band was UBER TIRING my eyes were closing during mrlee's funiculi funicula hahaha so so so I slept and then woke up and I was about three stops from my stop. then reach my stop I didn't get down cuz I didn't want to squeeze past so many ppl. GAH it was RETARDED. then I sat till interchange lorh hahaha then took another bus 811 to get home cuz I didn't want to cross the bridge and wasted a $1 coin D+ RETARDED day. my tian I pokkai liao there's only one lousy 5cents in my wallet and and my ez-link card is -0.25centssssss. ohmanohmanohman. I shall stay at home for the rest of my life liao D+ and I realised I haven't written one christmas card or gotten one present yettttt. DIE LA D+ ah I remembered I still have 40bucks de concert tickets haven't pay yet and and stupid hweejen keep asking for her 10bucks. D+ OHNOz. rah. ohzzzz last few days I had a super big ulcer that I kept biting but it's HEALED now YAYYAYYAY +D haha hols have been band band band +D but I sucked la haven't made much progress these few months D+ MUST JIAYOU. +D wah sec one orientation I am going to die D+ if I play I can't rmb the steps then I will lag but if I rmb the steps I won't rmb to play liaozzzzzz ahahahha then today's prac yunxin and I kept laughing at all the baichi steps and random actions and then she KICKED my but like ten times? ABUSIVE tsktsktsk. eh she very lousy lorh she come for prac FORGOT her tommy and had to use a new sax and then she keep going PEH PEH PEH hahaha but it was SUPER shiny lorh D+ I AM JEALOUS. and I think my reeds are quite screwed. I found 3.5 very plastic then changed to 4 then it is STILL plastic I don't know what's wrong with me D+ rah. oh oh farrewell's on the 28th and my batch is doing something like evolution of dance +D cool hor! +D except we'll be using band songs like funiculifunicula (we should be GAY +D), incredibles, when the saints go marCHINGYING, jalanjalan hahaha it's gonna be chao retarded la ahahahaha wowz. I haven't touched the hol hw yet D+ I can already see what it'll be like at 2am on 2nd Jan hahahaha manzzzzzz. oh yezzzzz I changed phone liao +D S500i on 9th Aug see I love singapore +D and the 30bucks discount +D this phone totally owns my old one the old flipphone the two ends like dangling liao hahaha oh yarh yarh yarh I shall blog about BANDCAMP! +D it was super fun +D we watched japan's high school bands they totally own us lorh D+ and next year going Tokyo somemore D+ die ah. oh. I realised I haven't had one single PARTionals yet hahaha aiya wait till school starts +DD yezz yezz. back to CAMP +D we watched 200 pound beauty too! was super funny hawhawhaw. and we had telematch and amazing race which are retarded hahaha and and we bonded +DDD on the first night at 12am we woke up to celebrate tianhui honeydew's birthday +D was super funny; like sherlyn hweejen beishi suddenly got up to go play chopsticks so that she won't suspect and then ching went to eat chips with nana in the middle of the night hahaha we gave her kangaroo with joey and kangaroo with MILK hahaha and when we were eating the cake she was saying at 12 o clock our liver is not working so if we eat will DAMAGE the body but we ate ANYWAY. +D that night was super TIRED haha. and the last day we cleaned up the bandroom! +D and packed scores +D we are ORGANISED people +D haha then break camp we got roller coasters yum +D oh btw sherlyn and me brought two exact same dales (dale no. 1 and dale no. 2) and sandayyyy and ching brought two exact snowmen (fingers and toes) was uber cute +DDD then after camp sandayyyyy ching cheryltong silei wenting and I went CURRY WOK +D the kailan rocks +DDD then took 852 home with silei hahaha I think I slept till the next morning was uber tired hawhawhaw. OH OH and my results are HORRIBLE manzzzzz. I barely got into trip science lorh D+ next year must JIAYOU. oh and I'm in 306 +D with ethelCHINGGGGG hahaha manzzzzz I'm not going to get a day of peace liao hahaha and it's so cool! like 106 206 306 406 +D I only know ethel and one more badminton person that I forgot the name. RAH. and stupid qianwen is scaring me about sec three D+ but I am a brave soul +D haha wow so fast I FEEL OLD LA D+ but I'm YOUNG at heart +D can't wait for next year sec ones +D hope we get nice juniors! +D and today was sec one registration SO MANY PEOPLE hahaha I didn't see a single peiying person D+ sadddddd manzzzzz. oh oh I just had 6A class gathering on thurs 20th dec +D erh less than TEN people showed up haha got michelleyong gena zixuan weida serlin addie shihui elina linkai xinyi and meeeeee which was quite pathetic hahaha but we had fun +D we were in elina's condo's function room and we were stoning la then we played musical chairs old maid dai dee hahaha oh and we ordered canadian pizza +D WHICH I ORDERED. was very retarded hahaha the pizza guy LOST HIS WAY. after about one plus plus plus hour the pizza then come but it was NICE +D and then addie shihui and I left to go walk walk and buy xmas presents +D we took LOTS of retarded pics haha. we went amk hub mos to eat +D ankake chicken burger and croquette is UBER NICE. +D then walk walk walk addie bought her mom's necklace so sweet haha I ended up spending everything on FOOD. and then there was this very cute spongebob magnets I wanted to buy but no moolah D+ so sad horh. then we went up to arcade to find the doo doo doo doo doo retarded song but they take away the machine liaooooo D+ then we went to find a suitable shirt for addie's sis but all not nice haha after that went dinner with laoma liao +D AJISEN +DDDD then bought quite a lot of tshirts +D ah. what should I blog about arh. YEZZ 206 class gatheringssssssss +D the first one we went EASTCOASTPARK +D which was retarded cuz libin chloe joline and me took SIX buses from coro to get there. and we walked about 2 km in the rain hahahaha but then the rain stopped! hahaha must imagine the rainbow +D then we rented bikes +D cycled one round with binbin +D father and son bonding time! +D then we were teaching shirlynn and chloe how to cycle +D very very very funny hahaha and there was this 3D llifesize ad with a woman on it I kept thinking it was REAL. then we washed our legs at macs HAND washing area haha and we built sandcastles! and blew bubbles! joline and I learnt the art of blowing very very very big bubbles! +D and we were playing one very retarded game like we stand near the waves and then must run away from the wave when it comes hahaha and we wrote our names and twoohsix but it kept getting washed by the waves D+ and when we were blowing the big big bubbles there was one very ERHERM couple doing DUNNOWHAT in the SEA and they kept moving away from us cuz we were super noisy hahaha we all left at around six I think. and the next class gathering was on the 13th dec last thurs! we went fuji ice palace to ICESKATE +DD was uber fun I fell about FIFTEEN times? my whole sweater and pants were wet hahaha but was my first time okay is BU CUO liao +DDD I GOT THE HANG OF IT +D and and clariceau brought her kid brother marcus ! very cute la but very sadistic he goes around pushing people and I ALMOST fell tsktsktsk. and I wanted the supporting pole thing but it's for 1.2m and under so if use very ERHERMHERMHERM. and marcus was quite pro lorh! HE taught ME how to skate arh I feel loser-ish D+ haha ethel and yeujia were pro and tongy too haha and then ji inn and shirlynn keep crash landing into the side poles haha and shiya and jiayin also very fast lorh they go two rounds I'm going half a round haha after skating we went to macs for ICECREAM +D then went home liao haha ohhhhh ethel gave me a penguin for christmas and says it looks like me but I think I cuter la horh +D yeujia the squid gave me a broom from europe! THANKS +D I think I really need to start getting xmas presents liao haha RAH. I want to go overseas too D+ ah nevermind I have nothing to post liaoooozzz BYEBYEEEEEEEEE don't miss me +D haha I think I wna quit swsy liao.

Love, @ 10:43 AM
.Friday, July 27, 2007 ♥
and I'm trying to keep

HAHA. oh man I just posted a post which was a VERY short draft from donkey years ago haha spazzzzz. I feel RELAXED +D but I SHOULDN'T BE haha CUZ the homework list has just DOUBLED itself MY TIAN ahahah everytime I come close to completing almost everything then they add like times two of the stuff at the start RAH. and then I'll get fed up and then not do to show my bu shuang-ness! and then I'll realise that they will STILL minus marks for late work and I'll have to end up doing it SO NOT COOL. D+ eeyer. haha actually from the 'MY TIAN' that part on the date is actually 17 Aug. which is today haha. eh nvm I just wanted to finish the posttttt ahahha I think I'll start a new post for today +D AHHHHHHHHHHHH ohmygoshieeeee this is so retarded ahahaha

Love, @ 9:30 PM
.Sunday, June 10, 2007 ♥
mummy it's over

IT'S FINALLY OVER WOOH WAHOOOO ahahha relieved VERY relieved =)

Love, @ 8:50 PM
.Saturday, June 09, 2007 ♥
man overboard

OH MAN i posted and its less than a week from the last one ahhaha RAH i STINK now cuz i went to sleep without taking a bath yesterday after the rehearsal cuz i was so chao lei and now i look like a tramp ahahha i FEEL like one too ahaha seriously seriously i think yesterday i played at my best liao bah but its still not good enough ahahah yarh AIYA i can't stand my stink liao must go and take bath ahahha OH MAN THE THING THE CONCERT THING IS IS IS LESS THAN NINE HOURS AWAY RAHHHHHHHHHH
byebye ahhaha

Love, @ 10:12 AM
.Thursday, June 07, 2007 ♥
cuz I'm in too deep

ahahhah harlo =) woh i'm posting! and it's like less than a month from the last post ! WAH BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT WORHZXZXZXZ ahahha ohman i really shouldn't be posting now i've got 3 zuowens 5 SIAs 1 assignment 1 extra math 1 extra science 1 history essay oh and a whole lot else RAH GAH BAH it's the second week of hols already why do hols go so super chao ji fast RAH oh i think i'm balding oh the fun of seeing your hairline reduce day by day ahahha OH MAN NO STOP I MUST BE SANE. okay good. ahahha. wooh. i'm addicted to pokemon! diamond! very fun ahahha NO cannot i cannot be addicted to pokemon must at least addicted to like maths or sth so my results won't look so horrendous next time yesyes goodgood pep talk ahahha OHMAN. today band i made a FOOL out of myself ahhaha first is like in aesops fables there was a PAUSE there and i IGNORED it and played the next note and like the whole band was silent then i PI one note come out WAH every one was laughing i think ms chong is pissssssed =( erh nvm jiayou jiayou =) and then and then during sectionals in the SUPER CHAO JI hot sectional room we were playing when the saints and then there was this part that needed a lot of air and i CHOKED while taking in air WAH everyone was laughing AGAIN WAH MEAN =( i really should stop being so dumb yesyes zuo de dao de! =) OHMAN tmr is like rehearsal for sat's concert ohman ohman i hope i don't squeak/knock down any stands/knock down anyone/knock down any instruments/knock down ANYTHING/get lost wow that's a long list ahahha OHMAN i'm getting stressed! i need therapy! RAH RAH RAH this is traumatizing =( OH and tmr honeydew's passing me a BASKETBALL to bring on monday for band outing ahhaha WHICH MEANS tmr i'll be bringing my bag my shoebag my clarinet a basketball and possibly one more bag to stuff stuff in. ERH WHICH MEANS i'll look like a pathetic loser freak tmr. WOW exciting exciting to say sorry to every single person i will bang into ahahha OHMAN. what about piano what about piano exam its the same day as band outing at amk hub i have no idea how to get from east coast to amk hub RAH and and the next lessons this sunday and i haven't touched the piano in 867981321895456 years i can imagine my teacher screaming that the exam is on the next day i can prepare to fail ahahha and she'll probably keep me in the CONDEMNED studio to practise scales till i become old and have arthritic fingers and go creak creak creak with every note. or something. OH here's something happy ahhaha went to watch pirates of the caribbean 3 on vesak day with laoma ahaha it's SUPER NICE =) and very very funny especially the part when jack sparrow and the barbossa were fighting over whose telescope was LONGER ahahha retarded ahahha and and on tuesday went to watch shrek 3 with jie and her friend chuying and laoma ahahahha ITS NICE TOO =) alot of lame stuff but very cute! especially the donkey babies SO CUTE LA ahahha OH NO OH NO i just remembered tmr got MATH remedial RAH and missing full band cuz of THAT RAH to mr chiang RAH to your oily pimple infested face RAH to you RAH to the person who set the last math paper RAH to oh i dunno ahahhaha THREE full hours of math tmr can die liao RAH and miss must miss FULL band miss also must miss sectionals right NO WRONG cannot miss at ALL yesyes what am i talking here RAH i don't think i can sleep well tonight haven't had a good night since 987965135484321 years ago the earliest i went to sleep was FIVE am and it's not cuz i went to sleep at that ungodly hour i lie on the bed for like five to six hours then i can go to sleep. so everyday i'm like staring at the ceiling for at least five hours. how productive =) and the next day when i wake up i'll be a walking corpse and i'll just be playing crap and doing crap. RAH i need sleeping pills ahahha
why are my posts so randommmmmmmmmm

Love, @ 10:06 PM
.Wednesday, May 30, 2007 ♥

harlo harlo harlo ohman oh man oh man i'm screwed i'm screwed i'm screwedzxzxzxz *(@#^&*() ahahhaha i'm so screwed i just went to brush my teeth with colgate cuz i couldn't stand my own STINKING breath ahahha i can't even be a proper screwed up person i must be a screwed up LOSER arghh ahahha i predict this post is going to be crappy rah rah rah anyway OH i just found out something ahhaha

ahahha its chinese emotalk! but see when you translate to english then its unemotalk! LOOK
dunno from when start to feel tired already.

ahahhaha so lame so crap so funny ahahhaha erh nevermind dunno what to post eh ahahha oh man the last time i posted was a MONTH ago aahhaha and and and this is my my my FIFTYFIRST post! ! erh in two years. WAH REALLY VERY LOSER rah. neh mind i shall post post post till the end of the year got a thousand posts =) oh man oh man oh man why nowadays i keep using oh man ahhaha erh and HUIZHEN the ZOOKEEPER keeps saying i'm a THICKSKINNED ELEPHANT which is the most HORRENDOUS and RIDICULOUS lie i've ever heard ahahhah random random random erh speaking of horrendous i think my ca1 marks are erh aherm aherm HERM not looking very good either RAH i think if next sem i still get these kind of RED marks i can go back sec one le ahahah SO ! i must jiayou and catch up! YES MAN WO ZUO DE DAO DE +) yesyes ahahaoh and i think pelican ah heng spent the whole ten minutes telling my laoma about my HAIR lorh WARHLAUZXZXZXZ whats her problem hair only mah will die arh will die arh HMPH HMPH HMPH neh mind i going CUT CUT CUT le WAHOOOOOOO =) ahahaha oh and today went for piano make up lesson and then ms tan and i talked a while about the braces and wisdom tooth stuff cuz she also going wisdom tooth surgery soon ahhaha so she said if she had to put braces have to take out SEVEN teeth so many ahhaha so she decided to just pluck out the wisdom tooth then she keep encouraging me to put braces but i dunno la ahahha and then after that practise then i think she's very upset with my scales and pieces =( cannot must BUCK UP! +) and then after that went home le ahahha and then prac a while clarinet and then came to do the blog! =) oh yarh on sunday night i suddenly got high fever and then eat panadol and then sleep and then on the next day i still had high fever so laoma brought me to see doctor and then i went home and i slept away the WHOLE of monday ohmanzxzxzxzxzxzx didn't touch piano and clarinet at all =( neh mind i broke my record for sleeping the longest ahahah oh and then tuesday morning i still had fever then i couldn't go for band =( WAH CHAO GUILTY =( and and my section was ONE HOUR late coming back from lunch ahahahha oh tomorrow's vesak day! if i'm lucky i may get to watch pirates! WOOH +) i wanna watch shrek too ahahha oh man i forgot what my main reason to post was erh erh YES DA GUANG GAO =)

sws youth winds in concert II
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
Campus 3 Lee Auditorium
-Sky high
-Pirate's dream
-Scootin' on hardrock
-Rhapsody in blue
-Hymn to the infinite sky
-Night birds
ask me for tics or map if you need =)
NYGH Siew May Auditorium
-Merry Widow
-Metro Gnome
-Pirate's dream
-Aesop's fables
-Strike up the band
-Benny goodman something
-76 trombones
-Little fugue
-Simple gifts
-When the saints go marching in
-Celebration Overture
-Pirates of the Caribbean Dead man's chest
-The eighties
-Simple serenade
ask for tics! =)
WOOH done =) oh and and qianwen i didn't know you were in swsy last time ahaahha you shouldn't have quit then i not so gu dan ahahaha okayokay i've da-ed my guang gaos liao =) must go see ! will be very nice and especially with ME arh tsk tsk tsk surely bu de liao ahahaha but really arh nycb our repertoire really very long! but swsy the repertoire is all chao ji bian tai HARD =( so about the same ahhaha erh OH MAN the stinking breath is still there wahbiang. RAH. neh mind shall go sleep so i don't have to suffocate in my own BREATH ahahah
oh man i think my life is presently very screwed
oh man it IS very screwed aahhaaha
oh man i think i'm not PARTICULARLY sane now ahahha

Love, @ 8:33 PM
.Saturday, April 28, 2007 ♥
i'm BACK =)

HARLO ahahha WOOH haven't posted in erh erh THREE MONTHS ahahha cuz cuz things have been crazy this few months ahhahaha erh let's see there was the lifeskills camp in march which was VERY FUN =) and drew 206 closer too =) and and OH YES SYF SYF IS OVERRRRRRRRRR! WE GOT GOLDDDDDDDDD +)))) that is a GREAT GREAT GREAT ACHIEVEMENT CUZ LAST TIME THE GWH BANDS ALOT DROPPED TO SILVER =( and WE GOT GOLD WHICH MEANS WE MAINTAIN AND EVEN MAYBE RAISE OUR STANDARDS! WAHOOOOOO WE ROCK =) eh eh and this year the judges seem to be chao strict cuz only got THREE GWHs SO GIAM =( but nvm we'll get the gwh in sec 4 HAH =) and besides us we have SIX GWHs! SO MANY +) congrats NYC NYSE NYCO NYCD NYMD NYGZ YAYZERS =) ahahhaha and oh yarh OM is OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOO RELIEVEDDDDDDDDDD AHAHAHA NO MORE PONK AHAHAHAH YAY AHAHHAHA ahahha deranged =) but really chao kai xin ahahhaha no more loss of sleep yay yay yay =) ahahhaha and friday was a really emo day almost everyone was sad ahahha and i was supposed to cry but cant squeeze out any tears ahahhha and friday felt so long and draggy dunno why like a whole week like that ahahhaha and today went back school for math remedial and after that played BADMINTON! with yogi bear etheldodo and sarahleesienstone AHAHAH so funny and supasutiku! =) ahahha then went kino buy ALOT of manga ahahhaha and then and then jie messaged me to say tmr got to go SWS youth to try out for 3rd clarinet OHMEGOODNESSOHMYTIANNNNNNNNNNNN ahahha i'm still recovering from shock ahhhhhhhh erh erh then is like go into the room and then just join in with them whatever they're playing and my sight reading is very lau yaaaaaaaaaaa and it'll be very awkward =( ahahaha i prefer one to one erh but that sounds wrongggg erh ahhhhhhhhhhh i'm nervous already ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahahhahaha and and tmr will be packed full cuz morning got science sia thing with jiayin and wanting and then go piano and then go sws ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahahahhha i'm deranged and ranting ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahahhaha nevermind everything'll be fine and okay! YAY. =) bye =) and i POSTED =) YAYZERS AHAHAHAH

Love, @ 10:57 PM
.Friday, January 19, 2007 ♥
AHahahahahahhaha =)

harlo! =)) hehe. oh. it's mid january liao! so fast! so fast! so fast! so fast! ahahhaha. =) oh anyway where did i leave off...erh...erh...erh...OH the hainan island VACATION! ahahahha wellll....there was lots and lots of DRAMA. alot alot! enough to last a lifetime... =)) yesyes so i think the funniest part about gonggong's funeral rites is the old white face ah pek PRETENDING to be gonggong and telling us all the same stuff over and over...like tang ki...EEEEEEEEEE and so like each of us had to have like a red packet with MONEY inside and then when he walks over to us we're supposed to put our hands in his with the ANGBAO so he will take and put in his pocket and then continue crying and saying stuff i dont understand. and SO when he was near me big uncle force my hands into the frEEky tang ki's hands and i dont have angbao and then this really BOISTEROUS relative aka NO. 1 was kneeling beside me and then NO. 1 like moved over and then she SAT on my thigh and force her hand into the tang ki one...and it was so PAINFUL! like got someone dump a ROCK on my leg!!! ahahahha and then hy sis pulled me off ahahaha or else i maybe crippled!! and that would be a REALLY terrible loss to the eh development of the eh phys ed dept! yepyep. =)) so ANYWAY. oh yes there were still funny stuff. erh. like using up 1 whole lip ice thing in 5 days! ahahahha i was rolling the thing on my lips every 5 minutes or else they will swell like sausage lidat...eeeeeeeeeeee. and the weather was cold cold cold! like in the bathroom everytime you splash 1 bucket water you will stand there shivering for the next minute ahahahhahaha =)) and the toilet seat also super cold...ahahahahhaha. and we got to ride the ta ha ba!!! which is funnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!! =)))) yayzers. =)))) and then dunno why i got some kind of sickoness like i just touch anything in the house and then i will feel very...dirty! and then dont dare touch my zenvm till i wash my hands till the skin is about to peel ahahahhahaha =)) i think sth like this happened when i last went to hainan tooo!!!! anyway. like during funeral rites hor the women are supposed to cry like siao and best cry till FAINT. but then we quite lau kui larh, esp hy sis and me =) and then everytime got tang ki ah pek dunno what ah pek doing dance and banging on stuff the womens will gather together on stools and cry! and got like symphony somemore. WOW PRO. =))) ahahah but then ah por cry till really going to faint so no good. =(((( and then there was this opera the funeral ppl put up...then there was this woman that looked like a man that acted as a woman! and then hy sis and i were arguing whether is woman or man or IT. ahahahha. in the end we agree on HOMO. ERH. anyway. and then hy sis was faking sickness so we can get out of the rites somehow AHAHAHAHHAH but we failed. =(((( GAH. i dont think i wanna go hainan for like the next...ten years? is boring and ...boring. =))) oh yar and about the oh so wonderful budget terminal! ahahahha. at the departure place hor there is NO sliding door. must push open door walk inside. WOW. and then the han's the menu was blocked by a PILLAR. ahahahahhahahaha the architect is so very gifted. =)))) and then the conveyor belt with all the check in de luggage must wait 30 mins to start MOVING. soooooooooooo very efficient. =)))) i am so veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy impressed. =)))) ahahahha sarcasm sarcasm. =))) and impaired sense of humour. =)))) ahahhahahahahahaha =))) okay enough about the stupid island. erh. i dunno what to blog! eeeeeeeeeeeeee. OH WELL. BANDEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! =)))) we have juniors now!!!! YAYZERS. =))) im supposed to look after a primary school player beishi =))) she's real shy but when you get to know her she's real cute and nice de. =))) hehe. i am nice thus i get a nice junior. =)))) yay. and these few days keep marching and marching! and march that time the clarinet must put 90 degrees with left hand for 1 HOUR. by the end of it my left hand is quivering. ahahhahaha if do everyday guarantee 1 week got muscle =))) WOW. =)) and we're doing night safari for choice piece. =(( EEEEEEEEEE. stupid song pull out the mouthpiece and then put back surely out liao...=((( why can't we do sunrise!!!! =((( oh and i'm sec 2 liao! and fourTEEN too. =))) WOW. and 106 juniors are real nice...i THINK. =)) my mortal is a bit eh....but she's still nice =))) shall give her a homemade stamp for her birthday!!! =)) yay. oh and nowadays got a lot letter to write! to mortal to sunsun to penpal to erh...BIRD TAN?! ahahahhahaha =))) randomness. =)) oh and i think my clarinet keep squeaking cuz of my RABBIT teeth. erh. maybe i should get braces so i stop squeaking and ruin the mari kita song. oh the national anthem. erhh...and these few days i keep forgetting the PLEDGE. ahahhahahahahha =)) erh what else...oh YES i broke my specs! YAY! erh somehow that sounds wrong... ahahha anyway on my birthday 10 jan i wished for a new pair of SPECS. and the next day during drama class i somehow RAMMED into binbin...and my specs broke! ahahahhahaha WOW. and so i went through the day with costage sticking the specs on my head. ahahahhahahaha and then on 852 with adada i was playing with the other side of the specs then like twist twist twist PIAK it broke! and then that was it...ahahahahahha and then after that friday never go school cuz dad say no specs will bang car. but i dont think i'm so blind...ahahhaha then that day went amk do specs with hy sis =))) and now i have COOLIO GREEN specs. =))) yay. and i bought a dog tag and a blue black striped tie !!!! =))) COOLIONESSS> =)))))))) and aliTEE gave me a cute cute mug for bday =))) ahahahhahaha eh eh what else to blog what else what else OH YAR today i took a WRONG BUS. i saw 852 at the bus stop then i run. and then i got on. and then like 10 stops later i look behind me and see the bus no. it is not 852 it was 154!!! which doesn't bring me home!!!! =((( and then got off and then was in front of this erh erh erh RAFFLES TOWN CLUB something. and then was lost ahahahhaha so i walk down and down looking for newton mrt...ahahahahah then like walk 20mins nothing happen. ahahhhahaha then i was waiting for cab but then every cab was BUSY HIRED ON CALL ahahahhaha then i called hy sis and then was told to take cab to marina. and then wait and wait and wait and no cab! and then call again and ask if bo de can fetch and then wait and wait and wait. ahahahahah when bo de's car came it was 830pm liao! ahahahha i was walking and waiting for 2hours...WOW. ahahhaha eh eh eh nothing to say liao ahahahhaha byebye ! shall blog soon soon soon =)))

Love, @ 10:24 PM
.Wednesday, January 10, 2007 ♥
FOURteen!!!! =))))

YAYZERS i AM fourTEEN!!!! =))) yayayayayayay =)))

P.S. now it's 12th jan but i want a post on my birthday so i kept this post on the 10th yayzers!! =)) and i broke my specs yesterday and i am now typing withOUT specs and i cant see a thing... GAH. and i cant go to school cuz dad said later no specs cross road bang car die die how??? GAH. and missing BAND too!! =((( going get specs later with hy sis. thank you thank you hy sis for probably skipping classes to get my specs so that i wont bang car die die while crossing road =))

Love, @ 11:07 PM
.Wednesday, December 20, 2006 ♥

WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! =)) now i is at the budget airport!!!!!!!!!! =)))))) and i am starving to DEATH along with hy sis!!!!!!!!! we veh poor thing hor *stares up with veh veh big twinkling begging eyes* ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha =) and the budget airport got the fwee internet i veh veh surprised. i din expect this place where sliding doors are no where to be found and menus exist just to be blocked by pillars to have FWEE INTERNET!!!!! =))) but still. veh happy got internet can blog arh!!!! =))) and now we waiting for the Polar auntie to hurry up set up and we can EAT!!!!! =))) GAH. pathetic. GAH. byebye. for real liao. byebye =)))

Love, @ 4:40 AM

lives in a pineapple under the sea [:
and plays clarinet with squidward +D
and piaaaaaaaaaaaaano too +D
and hearts nycb, 306'08, and swimming many many +D






May 2005
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February 2006
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October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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October 2007

